Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 2 Transformation Revolution - 21 Days toward Transformation

Day 2 Transformation Revolution

Things to think about:

Let’s review Day 1. Did you have trouble making the list of what’s working? Lots of people do. Part of the situation is that we are far more used to looking at what’s wrong than what’s right. (Honestly, it took me most of a day to come up with 70 items.)

For the purposes of the Day 1 exercise, you do not have to have this thing be true 100% of the time to count it as something that’s working. You can get along with your spouse, kids or boss only part of the time but still count it as something that is working. Just stay focused on what’s working well about it. Don’t worry about the fact that it’s not true all the time. (Don’t take away the compliment that you are effectively giving your life by negating it. Instead of “I like that my kids get along – when they do, which isn’t often enough,” try “I love when my kids get along” or “My kids get along so well.” For now, focus on what’s working.)

For Day 2, we’re switching gears. On Day 2, we’re looking at what isn’t working. Each of us has many things in our lives that aren’t right yet or aren’t working well yet.

You may have been tempted to start this list yesterday when you listed what was going well, but today you have full permission to identify every single thing that is not right yet in your life.

Note: I think of this as things that are not right yet – not things that are wrong. These things just aren’t right as of this moment. They may soon become right, you never know what could happen.

Make a list of everything that you’re tolerating in your life. The list may be quite long – even 70-100 items. Do not worry about doing anything about these things yet. Just list the things that you are tolerating.

Things to do:

a. Go back to your Day 1 assignment and add 3 more things that are working well in your life.
More examples to spark your thinking:
My car is great
My boss is helpful
I have a good job
I enjoy my job
My spouse enjoys his/her job
I find pennies lying on the floor all the time
My kids get along well.

b. Write down everything that you’re tolerating in your life. List everything that bothers you – big and small alike.
Some examples:
My taxes need done (now)
Carpet needs cleaned
Filing needs done
Laundry is driving me nuts – I do the laundry then more shows up
I’m behind on a couple of projects
I want to go out for fun more often
I hate doing housework
I need to email a bunch of the people I’ve met this year to invite them to subscribe to the newsletter
Dirty dishes – that keep appearing
Someone's cereal bowl is on the living room floor (not mine)

(Please just pretend that you’re not seeing a theme here… Actually, I have plenty of other things that I am tolerating in my life right now. I'll just leave those for my journal.)

Again, don’t worry about doing anything about the tolerated items yet. Just make a long list of tolerations. Topic areas might include work, friends, immediate family, extended family, children, spouse, hobbies/leisure, spirituality/religion, career, clubs/organizations, physical environment, community.

See you tomorrow!

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