Monday, March 3, 2008

End of the Great Flu of 2008

I believe that I am at the end of Great Flu of 2008. It is quite exciting. For the first time in two weeks, I didn't have to go back to bed after running the morning carpool. (The minor miracles keep me going...) I haven't had a nap in a few days. I am sitting up and actually working. It's all good.

Here's the thing that gets to me - two and a half weeks ago, I went through a big pile of papers, cleaned the kitchen, did 10 loads of laundry, cooked 3 big meals so that we would have food for the week already prepped. And, then, I got sick. It's like you can't win for losing. I'd done all this stuff to get ahead of the game (or at least caught up), and then I was almost completely non-functional for a week. Now having all that stuff done probably made it much easier on everyone when I was sick, but it was still irritating to not be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

This weekend, we did a lot of housecleaning and laundry. We pulled out old clothes to donate. The girls had 82 shirts that were too small. Wow. I'm hoping it's easier to get clothes to fit in the drawers now! My only concern is that now I'll get sick again. (Yes, I know it is superstitious. Too bad. It's just the way it is.)

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