Monday, March 10, 2008

Oprah's Big Give

So far Travis and Damaris's illusion hasn't been shown on the Oprah Show. : - ( But, still it was a load of fun to be there for the taping.

I did see myself, Travis, and my husband, Jeff, on screen druing the audience shots of the event.

(Tonight we'll have to review the DVR recording frame by frame to see if we can see our daughters. But I'll have to wait til the husband comes home to do that - I only learned how to set the DVR today!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you find your daughters on the show. My wife and I record (and then cry with tears of joy while watching) Oprah's Big Give each week.

Let me know when your ready for that tutorial on the DVR! My life wouldn't be complete without TiVo.